What does each ticket status mean?

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There are five statuses available for tickets submitted to Player Support:

  • New: We’ve received your ticket and it is now in our queue waiting for an agent assignment. This is the default status for all submitted tickets.
  • Pending (Awaiting your reply): The assigned agent has reviewed your ticket, contacted you for more information, and is now waiting for your response.
    • You must reply back within 5 calendar days; otherwise, the ticket is automatically converted to Solved.
  • Open: We’ve received your response and are continuing to work on your ticket.
    • This may take some time while we research the details, and possibly engage other teams, to find the proper solution.
  • Solved: Your reported issue is either fixed or answered.
    • If your issue is not fixed or you have questions, reply back as soon as possible and we’ll set the ticket to Open for additional troubleshooting.
    • Tickets set to Solved automatically convert to Closed after 48 hours.
  • Closed: Your issue is resolved and the ticket requires no further action.
    • If you still need help with the issue after your ticket is closed, you can create a follow-up ticket (see Creating follow-up tickets).
    • You should receive a feedback survey after your ticket is set to either Solved or Closed (see Let your voice be heard!).

Note: This article contains screenshots that are for example purposes only. Actual text and visuals may vary.

Ticket management

Each game-specific support page has a My Activities feature that enables you to view your request history and ticket status. You can also follow-up on ticket survey ratings if you want to provide updated comments.

  1. From the Nexon Support Center, under PC Games or Console Games, select your game.
    The game’s support site opens.
  2. Click Sign In, located toward the upper-right of the page, and sign in to your Nexon account.
  3. Click your user name to view the menu, and then click My Activities.
    Sample My Activities option

Your tickets and their status are now listed on the page.

Sample My requests list

To filter this list by status, select a status from the Status menu.

You can also change your ticket survey rating from this page, before the ticket is closed. To do this, find and view the ticket’s details, select your new rating, and then resubmit your response.

Although it’s optional, we encourage you to leave a comment.

Sample rating section in a ticket

All comments are reviewed by management (see Let your voice be heard!).

Creating follow-up tickets

If you need help with the same issue—maybe it was fixed and has returned or you just needed more time to respond—let us know by creating a follow-up ticket. To do this:

  1. From the Nexon Support Center, under PC Games or Console Games, select your game.
    The game’s support site opens.
  2. Click Sign In, located toward the upper-right of the page, and sign in to your Nexon account.
  3. Click your user name to view the menu, and then click My Activities.
  4. Find and view the details for the appropriate ticket.
  5. Click the create a follow up link, located toward the bottom of the ticket.
    Sample closed ticket with create a follow-up link
  6. Complete all required fields and submit your request.

A new ticket is created, which is linked to the original, closed ticket for reference.

Let your voice be heard!

Did we meet or perhaps even exceed your expectations, or did we fail? Tell us about your experience by taking a quick feedback survey.

You should receive a survey email after your ticket is set to either Solved or Closed.

Your comments help us better understand what does and does not work. They can even directly impact our games, services, and support!

We know that your time is important, so thanks in advance—we value all of your comments.

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