I'm receiving the Error Code 2024/1901, 1902, or 1903. What do I do?

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Please read below if you are receiving one of the following errors, "A system error has occurred. Please try again later (Error Code)."

  • Error 2024/1901
  • Error 2024/1902
  • Error 2024/1903


  1. Account Creation must follow the Terms of Service and End User License Agreement.
  2. Use a valid email address. If you are using a unique business or educational email domain, please try using a more common email domain instead, like @gmail.com or @yahoo.com. 
  3. Instead of creating your account through Steam, please try creating your account on the main Nexon website: https://www.nexon.com/account/en/create 
    • If you are still experiencing an issue here, please try a different browser. (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge)
    • Please disable any browser extensions applied, like ad block extensions. 
  4. If you're having trouble linking an account to Steam, please be sure the account is not already linked to another Steam account. 
  5. Avoid the use of a Proxy or VPN connection.
  6. Please keep in mind; Google and Facebook login accounts cannot be linked to Steam. You can only log in to these accounts on the website and using the Nexon Launcher to access any games. Please see more here: Google and Facebook Login FAQ
  7. Make sure you right-click and run as administrator when opening your Steam/Nexon Launcher.

If you are still encountering an error message or another issue after trying the above steps, please submit a ticket to our team for further assistance.

When submitting the ticket, please title the ticket with the error code you're receiving and include the following information:

Ticket title: [Error 2024/1901], [Error 2024/1902], or [Error 2024/1903]
Brief description of the error you're receiving: When are you receiving the issue (during account creation on Steam, linking an account to Steam, etc.)
Your Email Address: Provide the email you're trying to use to create or link the account to Steam.  
Your Steam ID: Please follow this article for more info on how to obtain your Steam ID: How do I find my Steam ID?

**If you cannot access the account, please create an alternate account in order to submit a ticket about the affected account.

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