NexonTag FAQ

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Q: What is a NexonTag?
A: Your NexonTag is a Friend ID that can be used to add friends globally across several game platforms.


Q: Where can I see my NexonTag?
A: Your NexonTag is displayed within the Nexon Launcher, the Account Settings page on the Nexon website, and from your in-game friends list.


Q: Are there requirements when making my NexonTag?
A: A NexonTag must be between 4 and 16 characters or numbers. Most special characters cannot be used. Names containing inappropriate language cannot be included.


Q: Can I change my NexonTag?
A: The NexonTag can only be changed two (2) times for an account. Once you have changed the Nexon Tag twice for your account, you will no longer be able to change your NexonTag, so choose wisely!

The ending numbers for your NexonTag are auto-generated, and cannot be changed.

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