Idea Submission Policy

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Idea Submission Policy

Last Revision: 2 December 2015

Effective Date: 14 December 2015

Nexon is always pleased to hear from our players and fans, and we welcome comments and feedback regarding our games, products and services.  Sometimes, however, there can be confusion over how those comments or feedback will be treated. 

To clarify here is a policy which will apply to any ideas, suggestions, proposals, comments, feedback or other such submissions:

  1. Any submission that gives feedback on our games and services or suggests new content, features, products or other similar ideas is governed by this policy. If there is an exception we will tell you
  2. This policy doesn’t impact communication with Customer Services team which will still follow the Nexon privacy policy. When other interactions are exempt from this policy we will tell you
  3. Sharing personal information is still covered by our privacy policy when we ask you to share it. However, sharing of personal information when not done at our request (e.g., posting your name, address, etc. to the Forums) is not governed by our privacy policy, so we strongly discourage such sharing. 
  4. Nexon does not have any obligation related to submissions. For example we won’t return materials sent to us or regularly acknowledge submissions we receive.  We may from time to time return materials or acknowledge a submission, but cannot (and do not) promise we will do this every time (or even at all, really)
  5. Anything you send to us, whether it be via forums, comments, social responses or other channels, which is subject to this policy will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary. This means if you submit an idea you are waiving any and all rights to it and are ok with it being shared and used by us, by entities we do business with, or even other users (depending on your method of sharing)
  6. Nexon will be free to use any submitted information under this policy. This includes without limitation the right to use and share the idea any way we see fit without compensation. What this means is if you submit an idea you are waiving the rights to it and permitting us to use it in our games or elsewhere without payment to you
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