Cannot log in to the website or Website Disconnects

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If you are experiencing an issue where you cannot log in to the website, please try the following troubleshooting steps.  

  • Use a different web browser (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge / Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari)
  • Clear your browser cache & cookies
  • Disable any extensions or add-ons, such as ad-block
  • Use an alternative device (such as a mobile phone)

For Google Chrome users:

For both Chrome links, please copy and paste the link into your web browser URL bar to navigate to the page.

  1. Please check that the option "Block third-party cookies" is disabled in chrome://settings/content/cookies
    • chrome_tMnkkrm2tI.png
  2. Please check that the option "SameSite by default cookies" is disabled in chrome://flags/
    • This will bring up all available flags.
    • You can search "samesite" to quickly locate the option necessary to disable.
    • As shown in the image below, set the "SameSite by default cookies" setting as Disabled under the Available tab.chrome_uZxxfoXRyw.png
  3. Close and relaunch the browser.
  4. Try to log in to the website again.

If you are still experiencing the web disconnection issue after following these workaround steps, please submit a ticket with a screenshot of your current chrome settings.


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